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The 50th Release Anniversary

In order to celebrate catalogue number 50, we whipped up something extra special! Most of the tracks are previously unreleased and produced by good friends, Rhein Main-Neckar residents, label newcomers, or just people we, in fact, personally know (or a combination of the above mentioned). It is our way to say thank you to all label afficionados for the support you gave us in the last years and making our efforts and our „investment“ of lifeblood, time and money worthwhile. We really appreciate your company along the way.

We’d also like to thank all artists who participated on this project, to make it happen. Many already had or will have a catalogue number of their own in the near future. So watch out! Hopefully we hit your spots and you enjoy this release as much as we do. Next big thing will be our 60th relase. So please continue showing love for the label and we promise to keep up with the everyday hustle to satisfy you here at Autark.

Kai Limberger
Cat. no:

© 2020 – Autark Records, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
